Maria Reznic
Delegate: Igor Reznic
Package Delivery date: 12.22.2024

63. Fam. Curosu
- LOCATION: Alexandru cel Bun
- CATEGORY: Large Fam
- NR. PEOPLE: 4+
Families with under 10 children will get candy for each child during the Hollidays (Christmas, Easter).
We hope that this products will cover the basic needs. The products were selected through the principle of eficient use, produce that can be used in food prep, so that we can ensure the families can use this produce for a longer period of time.
Every beneficiary of the Care Package C4M will sign a C4M Formulary that will confirm that the produce (food and hygene) had reached the destination.

Your c4m care pacacke includes
- 1 bag Flour (10 kg)
- 1 bag Patatoes (10 kg)
- 1 bag Onion (10 kg)
- 5 l Cooking Oil
- 2 kg Sugar
- 2 kg Salt
- 2 kg Buckwheat
- 2 kg Rice
- 2 kg Pasta
- 5 kg Fruits/Veggies
- 2 Chikens
- 2 kg Pork Meat
- 2 kg Cookies
- 3 packs Tea (300 bags)
- 4 packs Butter (200 g)
- 3 l Milk
- 1 kg Sour Cream
- 2 pack Cereal
- 3 kg Machine Washig Soap
- 10 pack Toilet Paper
- 5 bars Soap
- 2 packs Tooth Paste
- 1 pack Tooth Brush
- 1 Shampoo
- 1 Pack Always
- 1 Dish Soap
- 5 Sponges
- 1 pack Pampers
Igor Reznic – C4M Delegate
C4M Christmas 2022 Campaign

22. Familia Boico
- Localitatea: Soroca
- Categoria: Familie Numeroasa
- Nr. Persoane: 6
*Some produce will be replaced with others or excluded from the custom list in regards with specific needs of each family (if there are more children in the family 2 packs of pampers will be purchased and probably no always packs will be provided, or adult diapers may be requested.)
Families with under 10 children will get candy for each child during the Hollidays (Christmas, Easter).
We hope that this products will cover the basic needs. The products were selected through the principle of eficient use, produce that can be used in food prep, so that we can ensure the families can use this produce for a longer period of time.
Every beneficiary of the Care Package C4M will sign a C4M Formulary that will confirm that the produce (food and hygene) had reached the destination.

23. Familia Beleac
- Localitatea: Chisinau
- Categoria: Persoana cu dezabilitati
- Nr. Persoane: 1

*Some produce will be replaced with others or excluded from the custom list in regards with specific needs of each family (if there are more children in the family 2 packs of pampers will be purchased and probably no always packs will be provided, or adult diapers may be requested.)
Families with under 10 children will get candy for each child during the Hollidays (Christmas, Easter).
We hope that this products will cover the basic needs. The products were selected through the principle of eficient use, produce that can be used in food prep, so that we can ensure the families can use this produce for a longer period of time.
Every beneficiary of the Care Package C4M will sign a C4M Formulary that will confirm that the produce (food and hygene) had reached the destination.